Recently, I needed to do a project for school that consisted of writing a "kids' book" about an animal disease, complete with illustrations. I decided to write the book about Arlo's disease, as I had already done extensive research on the topic. Also, being so important to me, it would seem effortless writing about my dog, whom I love so much. I discovered early on that I cannot draw to save my life! Having quite a nice design for my book, complete with fancy paper and cute accents, I didn't want to "ruin" it by adding substandard drawings..... So, I decided to take digital photos to compliment the text of the book. Once I replaced the almost dead batteries in the camera that caused the camera to consistently malfunction, I actually had a good time setting up and taking all the photos. Arlo was such a good sport, doing what I asked of him, sometimes repeatedly to get just "the right shot". I asked him to do some pretty silly things, and I was pleasantly surprised at how well some of the photos turned out. I'm lucky he already has such a great work ethic....... he'll work for food or a toy.....
So, getting him to do things for me was quite easy.... once he understood what behaviour got him the reward, he was more than willing to do it... even repeatedly. I know that all of my extensive training with him to date helped in the set up of the photos, and I am thankful for that. I'll have to post some photos of the book once I'm finished.....
Good boy, Arlo, good boy. :-) XOXOXOXOXO